“But Jesus called for them and said,

‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;

for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.

Truly I tell you,

whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child,

will never enter it.” Luke 18: 16-17

Religious Education and Faith Formation classes occur on Sundays from 11:15 AM-12:45 PM in the school building.

2022-2023 Religious Education Calendar


Sacramental Preparation

Our program provides a two-year sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist for children in grades 1st through 8th grade.

Here at St. Luke Parish, children begin to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in their second grade.


Faith Formation

We also offer ongoing Faith Formation for children in grades 3rd through 5th who have already received this sacrament.



Pre-K and Kinder faith formation is offered for the ages 4-5.


Faith Formation Office Hours

Sunday: 10:00AM-2:00PM

Mon-Thurs: 9:00 AM-5 PM

Closed: Friday and Saturday

Contact Information

Coordinator of Religious Education, Marsha Whitener-Valdez

Email: marsha.whitenervaldez@stlukecatholic.org

Office Phone: 210-433-2777 ext. 138


"Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents." Catechism of the Catholic Church #2226